WPR Services Expands Product Offering

WPR Services has recently announced that it has expanded its product and service offering to complement the existing POW™ platform. WPR Services now offers full-service plant auditing, conveyor and strapper automation, PLC programming, emergency service work and installation.

The full-service plant auditing can be done remotely with the use of POWtalk™ and POWwatch™ products. The POWwatch™ cameras and POWtalk™ interrogation devices gather and log factory floor information. From there, the customer is provided with a report including: a production audit, safety analysis, and pre-engineering consultation, allowing plants to make informed decisions and adjustments based on reoccurring issues that were observed. Increased operator safety, quality control and improved production can all be achieved through this root cause analysis.

“We identify production issues, safety concerns, bottlenecks, bad ergonomics and inefficient processes in plants, with use of the POW™ products. Having the data available means nothing if you don’t have someone analyzing the data you’ve gathered and providing you with actionable reports. WRP Services looks forward to bringing more solutions to the corrugated industry with use of Industry 4.0 technology and integrated video and voice cataloging and monitoring,” said Chris Harris, President of WPR Services.

WPR Services also launched their POWtalk™ 2-way audio for real-time communication between employees in and out of the plant floor. This real-time, 2-way audio integrates with all existing POWtalk™ products. It allows for improved communication among operators and plant management, as well as increased safety and cataloging of events. The 2-way audio operates off of the cellular connection and logs voice events in a catalog via industry 4.0 voice to text technology.

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