Warehousing investment for Klingele

The Klingele Group is planning to extend the logistics centre at its Werne site. Construction will begin following approval of the planning application; the inauguration is planned for the end of 2018. The new warehouse covers an area of 15,000 sqm. Together with the existing storage areas, the logistics centre will provide space for 20,000 pallets. In addition, five new jobs will be created. The business development at Klingele and customers’ demands with regard to fast and error-free deliveries made it necessary to invest in extended logistics capacities. The existing warehouse. with an area of 13,000 sqm, was no longer adequate and will be used partly as a production area in the future. Klingele will present the extension of the logistics centre in detail at an open day on 23rd June 2018.

The new finished goods warehouse will be equipped with RFID technology to enable accurate warehouse management by bay location, offer excellent stock reliability in conjunction with warehouse management software and reduce the internal logistics error rate to almost zero.

However, it is not just customers and employees of the company who benefit from Klingele’s investment in state-of-the-art logistics; it also enables Klingele to close its existing external warehouses in the district of Unna and consolidate its logistics into one location. Klingele needed these external warehouses up until now to fulfil the rising order volume and customers’ high demands with regard to product diversity, delivery punctuality and ever faster goods handling. However, this was an expensive and process-intensive form of logistics; the concentration of logistics at one location therefore considerably relieves the strain on the budget and reduces handling costs at Klingele. But there are also significant improvements for the residents: the noise pollution and CO2 emissions are significantly reduced as the regular shuttle transport by lorry between external warehouses and the Klingele plant are now eliminated.

“The technological possibilities available today facilitated our decision to opt for a bulk storage warehouse,” explains Ekkehard Dürr, Managing Director of Corrugated Western Europe. “A bulk storage warehouse gives us flexibility for the storage of different packaging and pallet sizes, as well as the greatest possible guarantee of error-free deliveries in conjunction with RFID technology.”

As a family-owned company that is aware of its responsibilities towards its surroundings, Klingele also places considerable importance on good relations with its neighbours. “The construction of a bulk storage warehouse also represents a good decision in this respect,” adds Dürr. “The consolidation of our logistics capacities at one location also reduces pollution caused by noise and CO2 emissions.”

“Just-in-time deliveries are commonplace nowadays and more and more of our customers are transferring the responsibility for the storage of packaging to us,” states Jan Klingele, Managing Partner. “In addition to the high product quality, competent advice and creativity in the development of packaging, efficient logistics is therefore becoming a key success factor for our company. For this, we are making targeted investments in a logistics concept that guarantees our customers maximum reliability and speed on the one hand and optimum flexibility on the other.”

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