Smurfit Kappa is celebrating the 40th anniversary of providing a renewable source of heating for the residents of Piteå in Sweden. Back in 1978, the Piteå paper mill joined forces with local energy provider PiteEnergi to use secondary heat from the mill to fulfil the heating requirements of local residents. Located in Northern Sweden, Piteå experiences heavy snowfall in the winter months so a reliable source of heating is a must.
What started as provision for a small area has now expanded significantly due to ongoing investment in innovative technology including a heat exchanger and flue gas cooler. Today, over 3700 buildings in central Piteå, including three indoor baths and the pedestrianised street, are now powered by the district heating scheme.
Speaking about the milestone, CEO of the Piteå Paper Mill, Per Sward, said, “We are delighted to celebrate the anniversary of a very successful partnership with PiteEnergi. At Smurfit Kappa, sustainable and circular business practices are embedded throughout all layers of our organisation. We are always looking to how we can work in partnership to benefit the local communities around our plants and mills.”
Daniel Eriksson, Head of District Heating at PiteEnergi added, “Thanks to the energy cooperation with Smurfit Kappa Piteå, we have a well developed heating network in Piteå. Since the start of the cooperation it has developed in a positive direction in a number of ways.”
A number of events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the partnership have been held throughout the year.