Safety On The Rise

The Fibre Box Association (FBA) and AICC – The Independent Packaging Association will recognize 436 corrugated industry plants for safety achievements in 2016. This is a seven percent increase in the number of plants being recognized from the previous year, with the highest number of plant participants since 2002.

“The seven percent increase in awards coupled with the highest levels of participation in 15 years is an outstanding accomplishment,” notes FBA President & CEO Dennis Colley. “It is a true testament to the corrugated packaging industry’s commitment to creating safe work environments.”

Safety Awards are given based on data compiled for the recently released 2016 Corrugated Container Industry Annual Report of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.

For the calendar year 2016, the associations will present 165 Perfect Plant Awards to plants achieving zero incidents. An additional 271 facilities will receive Safety Excellence Awards for achieving no lost work days due to job-related injury or illness.

The overall incidence rate has followed a steady trend of decline for the past 20 years – the 2016 overall incidence rate was 2.30.

Participation in the report was voluntary and open to all corrugator or sheet plant facilities manufacturing corrugated products. Participants can view the full report on either of the association’s web sites, or  

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