The Fibre Box Association (FBA) and AICC – The Independent Packaging Association will recognize 420 corrugated industry plants for safety achievements in 2017. The number of plants participating in 2017 increased to 712 plants compared to 650 plants that participated in 2013.
Safety Awards are given based on data compiled for the recently released ‘2017 Corrugated Container Industry Annual Report of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses’.
For the calendar year 2017, the associations will present 155 Perfect Plant Awards to plants achieving zero incidents. An additional 265 facilities will receive Safety Excellence Awards for achieving no lost work days due to job-related injury or illness. The report provides detailed data for more than 167 million hours worked at 712 participating plants. It also includes trend information presented in graphs for recordable cases, restricted duty cases, and days away from work. Award winners are presented as a percentage of total plant participation and the Safety Award Winners page serves as a great summary of achievement including a count of winners by category, number of Perfect Plant Awards, number of Safety Excellence Awards, total awards given and the percentage of plants awarded.
Participation in the report was voluntary and open to all corrugator or sheet plant facilities manufacturing corrugated products. Participants can view the full report on either of the association’s websites, or