Kolbus restructure to ensure sustainable future in packaging sector

As the it approaches it’s 250 year anniversary, Kolbus GmbH has entered a Preliminary Self Administration Procedure, a structure provided by the German government to support and protect a company as it strives to restructure its organisation to enable it to continue forward in the future. By undertaking this Court-sanctioned procedure, it ensures Kolbus continues to provide the highest quality production machinery, alongside world class customer service and support.

This restructure comes after a successful Drupa and will see the Kolbus group fully utilise the next three months to reorganise the company. One of the major factors previously restricting a restructure was a large and ongoing commitment to a historic company pension scheme, from which the company is now released as a result of the procedure.

Six years ago, Kolbus sold its traditional book production division to concentrate on the packaging sector, both in luxury packaging and the corrugated industry. The first move into corrugated came with the acquisition of Hycorr in the U.S., followed by the acquisition of AutoBox in 2019.

Kolbus has a number of Global wholly-owned subsidiaries including Kolbus America, Kolbus UK and Kolbus AutoBox; these subsidiaries are not included in the Preliminary Self Administration Procedure, as a result these businesses continue to operate as normal.

“It was clear that the move into the packaging sector was the correct change of direction for Kolbus, but it was identified that further change was required to enable the company to be more focused and effective in its new markets and continue to supply the production solutions and customer service at the highest level.” said Wilfried Kröger, CEO, Kolbus GmbH.

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