ISRA VISION launches new GUI for PrintSTAR

ISRA VISION has recently launched the new GUI for the Print Inspection System, PrintSTAR.

This interface is designed to be intuitive and self-explanatory, allowing seamless operation directly through a web browser. Whether using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, and regardless of location, PrintSTAR’s new GUI ensures full control and accessibility at your fingertips. Key Features Include:

  • Intuitive Operation: Navigate with ease, thanks to a user-friendly design that simplifies complex tasks.
  • Cross-Device Compatibility: Operate PrintSTAR from any device, be it desktop or mobile, without any hassle.
  • Location Independence: Manage print inspections from anywhere in the world, offering unparalleled flexibility.
  • Enhanced Visualisation: Experience improved colour monitoring visualisation, ensuring print quality is always top-notch.

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