Grid Tape is new from Cito

Cito is expanding its FormLine product group, which offers die makers a wide choice of selected materials and components for manufacturing optimum cutting dies. Its new Grid TapeTM is now available for separating blanks. The company says that Grid TapeTM offers the following advantages:

  • time savings of up to 90% compared to previous solutions, thanks to an accurate and precise fit;
  • constant pile guidance in the delivery guarantees efficient processing on the folder-gluer;
  • the use of a robust material ensures a long service life – more than 1,000,000 impressions can easily be achieved.

Grid TapeTM is made from a metal-free material and is therefore safe to use in the production of food packaging. Another feature is its high adhesive strength, allowing it to bond perfectly to even critical surfaces. Register lines are provided to aid quick and accurate fitting. Grid TapeTM is compatible with BSI Blanking Systems, Angle lock and Quickset systems and is suitable for all metal grid profiles from 16 x 2mm to 25 x 6mm.

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