Antalis has been informed of the exercise by Sequana, its majority shareholder, of the exercise of the put option and the signature of the share purchase agreement with Kokusai Pulp & Paper Co Ltd on 19 May 2020, pursuant to which Sequana would sell to KPP all of its Antalis shares, representing 75.2% of the share capital and 82.5% of the voting rights.
KPP and Bpifrance Participations previously signed a share purchase agreement on 31 March 2020 pursuant to which Bpifrance Participations would sell to KPP all of its Antalis shares, representing 8.5% of the share capital and voting rights of Antalis, subject only to the transfer of the Antalis shares held by Sequana to KPP.
The effective transfer of the shares is subject to the satisfaction of customary conditions precedent, including the release of pledges from Bpifrance Participations and Impala Security Solutions B.V. on the Antalis shares currently held by Sequana. The transaction is not subject to the approval of the French, European or foreign competition authority in charge of merger control.