From Fibre to Corrugated Board – Mondi Świecie seminar

Mondi Świecie is hosting its eighth international seminar entitled ‘From Fibre to Corrugated Board’ from 16 to 18 May 2017 – this time in Toruń, Poland. The seminar series was founded to serve the growing demand for a better understanding, across the paper making and corrugated packaging industries, of the challenges, needs and possibilities that arise in the two segments. “The seminar is intended to close the gap between papermakers’ and corrugated board makers’ understanding of each other’s challenges, to share knowledge and best practices. Participants will also have the chance to take part in live workshops in which they will be able to put their technical knowledge into practice. It is a win-win event for all participants,” explains Marek Motylewski, Head of Technical Sales Service Mondi Containerboard.

Among the topics to be addressed by the 2017 seminar are performance packaging, the influence of moisture on paper and corrugated board, the gluing process and corrugator efficiency. Other highlights of the event include a live laboratory demonstration of various processes, including digital printing, as well as guest speakers from the corrugated machine sector, who will be discussing a variety of topics, such as e-sales from the perspective of packaging requirements.

Diverse subjects are on the agenda of the interactive workshop and live laboratory sessions, such as conventional paper production, digital technology in printing and thermo-vision auditing on a corrugator. Participants will have the chance to conduct several tests themselves and to observe analytical procedures in the laboratory first-hand. The tour of the Mondi Świecie mill will take in the woodyard, paper machines and laboratory.

“More than 2,000 people have attended the training sessions and seminars we have held in this series so far. Given the broad range of topics and the increasing number of live workshops, the seminar in May 2017 is sure to attract both first-time and previous attendees. For us, customer relations and customer service are paramount. Price is not the only factor in our business; we want to get closer to customers, understand their needs, and share our technical expertise with them. Our customer service in general and the seminar ‘From Fibre to Corrugated Board’ in particular help us to achieve our aspirations. We are very much looking forward to the seminar and hope to welcome many new friends and see a lot of familiar faces in Toruń,” concludes Maciej Kunda, CEO Mondi Świecie.

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