Edition Speciale’

After the success of the first edition in June 2019, ‘Edition Speciale’ by Luxe Pack, the main event for the luxury packaging market, is renewing the theme ‘sustainable packaging and responsible consumption’. The trade show will take place at the Carreau du Temple in Paris on 26th and 27th May 2020.

“Convinced by the diversity of the subject, Edition Spéciale by Luxe Pack will present even more sustainable packaging solutions and provide rich content as we go further together in the eco-design of tomorrow’s packaging,” explains Fabienne Germond, Director of the Luxe Pack trade shows.

This event will host 75 exhibitors, an increase of 18% compared to 2019. The exhibition is renewing the presence of leaders in luxury packaging and the participation of new international players. 

As the conferences of the 2019 edition registered a record attendance, this year, the talks will take place in a 250-seat auditorium. The morning sessions will be open to experts, brands and associations. The topics will be such as the role of luxury specialists, the packaging trends from one continent to another, design, and also online retail. The afternoons will be dedicated to feedback from manufacturers/brands and will include topics focusing on natural materials, reuse, recycling, lighter products, etc.


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