DS Smith has reported its full year results, up to the end of April 2018. Revenue was £5,765m, up 21% on the same period last year, with adjusted operating profit recorded as £530m, up 20% on last year.
Miles Roberts, Group Chief Executive, commented, “DS Smith is reporting a strong set of numbers for the full year, showing that we are continuing to succeed in a dynamic market. Through our close customer relationships and innovation, we are capitalising on secular underlying growth trends such as the rise in e-commerce, desire for sustainable products and the evolution in consumer shopping habits. We are gaining market share and showing strong margin performance, offsetting significant input cost headwinds. Our box volume growth continues to be impressive at just over 5%, demonstrating the continuing demand for our sustainable, high-quality products. We were delighted to announce the proposed acquisition of Europac on 4th June which builds on our recent acquisitions in Europe of EcoPack and EcoPaper and also in the US, where the integration of Interstate Resources is delivering excellent performance, well ahead of expectations. We’re seeing good momentum into 2018/19, feel that our model is more relevant than ever for our customers and view the future with confidence.”