Bay Cities Installs Scitex 15500

Bay Cities, a designer and manufacturer of packaging and displays, announced the installation of a high-speed HP Scitex 15500 corrugated press. The digital printer will allow the California based company to create a wide range of packaging, displays, and signage applications to meet the quickening demands of retailers. It has the capability to print 10 times faster than Bay Cities’ original digital printer, allowing for more flexible designs and faster return on samples and short runs.

The HP Scitex 15500 corrugated press offers a wide range of flexibility and versatility, including smaller quantities and variable data without the need of expensive tooling. This means Bay Cities will be able to provide more customization of prints per displays or package. Speed-to-market is another benefit, as the press will decrease the amount of time it will take for projects to go from concept to stores.

“We are committed to enhancing our equipment for the betterment of our customers,” said Brett Kirkpatrick, COO of Bay Cities. “This machine is a game changer for our industry and will allow our customers more flexibility in their packaging and display needs.”

Bay Cities reported that it is the only company in Southern California with a machine of this speed and capability. The Scitex 15500 prints using a six-color process with speeds up to almost 7,000 sq ft per hour with no contact to the sheet and consistency of color.

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