ArtiosCAD users exclusive trial

Esko is giving users of its ArtiosCAD structural design software the opportunity to trial its innovative new preflight functionality in its latest release.

ArtiosCAD (18.1) users can now start using the software-assisted quality control checks as a trial ahead of the full launch in early 2020. The new preflight software delivers an even greater efficiency boost by saving users up to 15 minutes per design, eliminating the need for manual checks and standardizing design checks across a user group.

Specifically created to boost productivity for packaging structural designers, product development processes, virtual prototyping and die-cut manufacturing operations, ArtiosCAD has more than 23,000 users worldwide. “Best in class principles based on industry standards, including BOBST ABC guidelines, are now validated in ArtiosCAD to ensure accurate production-ready designs are established, reducing the iterative cycles between design and die making,” said Richard Deroo, Esko Product Manager. “Each design is checked to ensure it’s optimized for faster and more accurate waste removal during die cutting, and potential die cut production issues are now clearly identified earlier in the design phase.

“We are working with a number of pre-release customers from our broad user base to shape the full release,” he said. “But it is already clear that this new addition to ArtiosCAD 18.1 can make a significant difference to the efficiency and operational performance of the packaging and display community.” 

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