Apex North America confirms an exclusive partnership with Agergaard Graphic Supplies GmbH for Doctor Blades and End Seals. The combination of Apex’s expertise of anilox rolls with Agergaard’s End Seals and Doctor Blade solutions will bring together an even better support for their customers and all of their printing needs in the North American market.
Dave McBeth, Apex North America’s Vice President of Sales, comments, “In these times of fast technological progress, Agergaard provides state-of-the-art solutions that support Apex’s customers’ productivity. The Agergaard solutions have been developed and enhanced in close cooperation with leading printing companies all over the world. This partnership will allow Apex technical teams to work with our customers to provide a total solution for Ink Metering high performance needs.”
L to R: Ole Agergaard (CEO of Agergaard Graphic Supplies), Dave McBeth (Vice President of Sales, Apex North America) and Nick Harvey (Technical Director, Apex International).