Hammer Packaging, Rochester, New York, recently installed a Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106-8+L to increase capacity and improve productivity. The new peak performance press replaced an older competitive press, and will run alongside two existing Speedmaster CD 102 presses and a CX 102.
“It has become evident over the last few years that we need to have a tactical mix of large and small format presses,” said Jim Hammer, President and CEO. “We were looking to add to our existing range of 40-inch offset presses, and we felt that the XL 106 provided the best value in the market.”
According to Hammer, the press is performing as promised — running maximum speeds of 18,000 sheets per hour with impressive makeready times and automatic plate changes in fewer than three minutes. In just over three months of production, the press counter is already showing 19 million impressions, and the company intends to further increase throughput by running shifts 24/7.
Hammer Packaging purchased its first new Heidelberg press (a CD 102) in 2004 — initiating the start of a strategic partnership focused on production efficiency and business growth. In 2010, the company became the first customer in North America to install a Speedmaster CX 102 to further increase capacity and minimize redundancy during peak periods. The XL 106 marks the company’s latest acquisition in its strategic investment plan, and is expected to help achieve its goal of doubling business in the next 8 years.
Jim Hammer, President and CEO, Hammer Packaging