Another EVOL for Corruseal in South Africa 

Giovanni Bettini, Head of Sales, MHI EMEA and South America, has confirmed the company recently started up another EVOL 100 flexo folder gluer in South Africa, at Corruseal Group.

Located in Dunswart, Boksburg, Corruseal Group’s Johannesburg facility is already home to no fewer than five EVOL flexo folder gluers. The installation was completed within schedule and the full Acceptance Sign-off was achieved in fast time, in no part thanks to the level of support from the highly skilled operators at the Johannesburg facility.

“This latest installation represents the eighth EVOL we have supplied to Corruseal Group so far,” confirms Giovanni Bettini. “This quite clearly shows that Corruseal are happy with not only the performance of the EVOL, but the support and servicing from MHI EMEA. We thank the customer for their collaboration during another installation and long term partnership and trust in MHI over many years – and we are happy to confirm that Corruseal has already ordered its ninth EVOL, which is due for installation in 2025.”

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