Another EVOL for Russia

Giovanni Bettini, Sales Director of MHI Europe, has confirmed that the company recently signed an order with Promyshlenniy Park Ussuriyskiy (PPU) for an EVOL 100 flexo folder gluer. PPU, based in Ussuriysk near Vladivostok, is owned by Fedor Savinov. “We selected the EVOL 100 as an important step in the upgrading of our corrugated plant, because we realised it can give us the productivity and quality that we need to expand sales in our region, particularly because of the machine’s great reliability,” states Mr Savinov.

PPU used a technical advisor in the machine specification and negotiation – Pulp and Paper Processes. This company visited MHI in Japan last August on behalf of PPU and the visit was decisive in the decision to chose the machine, particularly as they saw the capability of both the MHI corrugator and the EVOL flexo folder gluer.  “We were supported during the sales process by the expertise and knowledge of Pulp and Paper Processes,” explains Mr Bettini. “We had an excellent experience provided by their people and during our discussions, particularly with Dmitry Dievsky; we always found them well prepared and very knowledgeable.”  

Mr Bettini concludes, “This order is part of several steps being taken by PPU that are aimed at increasing capacity and quality of both the existing paper mill and its integrated corrugated board plant in Ussuriysk. On behalf of MHIE, I’m really pleased that our sales activities in Russia are increasing significantly and this shows our commitment to this important market, from which we expect more sales in the near future.”

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