Rutledge Joins Vanguard Packaging

Chet Rutledge, former Director of Packaging Solutions, Private Brands for Walmart has joined U.S. based Vanguard Packaging as the Director of Marketing for Retail Ready Packaging announced Mark Mathes, CEO. “Walmart has clearly mandated that all goods possible come into their system in a shelf ready package. Vanguard’s involvement with Walmart in this process goes back years to early stocking tests and recently went full circle when we were asked to be part of the team to help write the style guide,” said Mathes. “Chet’s depth of knowledge on the topic combined with Vanguard’s knowledge and patented shelf ready designs creates a team second to none in the corrugated industry.”

Chet brings 20 years of experience in the corrugated industry and almost 10 years of experience at Walmart as a packaging design expert to the job. “By combining my background with the experience of Vanguard we have created the most knowledgeable and experienced team in Bentonville (Arkansas – where Walmart is headquartered) when it comes to shelf ready packaging,” said Rutledge. “We can turnkey advise, design, manufacture and develop an entire shelf ready supply chain for any vendor to Walmart. We can make the entire process simple and seamless.”

Vanguard offers a full range of products and services for those retail vendors who require shelf ready packaging. Options will not only include custom designed packaging solutions but case erecting and case fill equipment, testing and licensing of patented shelf ready designs. Vanguard can also act as a consultant for CPG companies with existing packaging contracts. These services are available nationwide from offices in Bentonville, Kansas City, St Louis and Phoenix.

Rutledge can be contacted at [email protected]

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