After the installation of a die-cutting machine at Marbach at the beginning of July, the preparations for the new training center are running at full speed at the Heilbronn-based die-maker. The official start is planned for the beginning of 2018. Marbach will then be able offer its customers training on the topics of die-cutting for carton and corrugated board. The focus will be on topics such as productivity and the significant reduction of make-ready time.
Sven Zimmermann, innovation and project manager at Marbach said, “We are currently becoming familiar with our new die-cutting machine. Product tests are the best way for us to kill two birds with one stone: to test our own products extensively and also to become familiar with the machine. Moreover we are in the process of preparing for our training programme. Although the launch of the Marbach Academy is planned for 2018, the first customers have already been trained.”
Marbach will offer various training programmes under the name ‘Marbach Academy. More knowledge. More skills.’ Zimmermann continues, “Our training will be designed in such a way so that the participants can gain not only theoretical knowledge, but also many skills that can immediately be put into practice.”