TAPPI Elects BOD and Officers

The official results of the 2019 TAPPI Board elections include Chair, Vice Chair, and nine Directors that determine the policies and have general charge of the affairs of the Association. The 2018 Nominating Committee nominated and the membership elected Peter R. Augustine, Fabio Perini North America, as Chair and James R. Haeffele, Essity, as Vice Chair. 

A slate of three Director candidates was proposed by the Nominating Committee and elected by the membership: Garnet Bremner, Nalco; Peter Hart, WestRock; Kim Nelson, American Process Inc. (API) AVAPCO LLC. 

In March 2019, the following directors will complete their terms: Richard M. Berry, CelluForce; Anthony V. Lyons, Paper Lyons LLC

 The following directors will continue to serve on the Board in 2019: Fernando Bertolucci, Suzano; James Cooper, Retired; Carrie Enos, University of Maine Pulp & Paper Foundation; Donald Haag, Packaging Corp. of America; Larry N. Montague, TAPPI;Josh Reich, Greif; Matt Szymanski, Green Bay Packaging 

The 2018 Nominating Committee members included: Chris Luettgen, Renewable Bioproducts Institute Georgia Tech (Chair); Michael Haas, Nippon DynaWave; Pam Cowan, Pulmac Systems International Inc.; Gordon Bugg, Kemira; Pete Augustine, Fabio Perini; Larry Montague, TAPPI 

Peter R. Augustine 

James R. Haeffele 

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