By publishing its first sustainability report, Progroup is presenting a comprehensive review of its social, ecological and economic activities in 2021. The report provides a detailed summary of the company’s sustainability activities, such as how it handles natural resources and its involvement with social causes.
For Progroup, the issues of sustainability and environmental protection are key elements of the corporate strategy. “Progroup is inherently sustainable because we are part of the circular economy. Our whole business model is geared towards doing business sustainably,” says Jürgen Heindl, CEO. “As a family company, we have our eyes set firmly on the future and think very much about the generations to come. Our sustainability strategy focuses on the long term and reflects our corporate strategy. We take our responsibility seriously.”
The report documents the key issues for Progroup in relation to sustainability, the commitment to climate protection and the company’s responsible approach to tackling the challenges of climate change. It sheds light on the economic, ecological and social aspects of sustainability in all of Progroup’s divisions and sets out clear objectives through to 2030. These include reducing CO2emissions, water consumption and the use of raw materials as well as boosting equal opportunities and improving occupational safety. The company is therefore specifically helping to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To implement the ambitious sustainability goals, the role of sustainability manager was created at Progroup in 2021. This person coordinates all sustainability activities and advises all divisions of the company on the specific requirements.
The full report is available in German and English and can be viewed here: English or German.