DS Smith introduces ParceLive technology

DS Smith has signed an exclusive partnership with Hanhaa, which will see it use innovative ParceLive technology to track, measure and optimise delivery and conditions across the supply chain.

ParceLive is an advanced multi-sensory tracker which travels within packaging and continuously records real-time data linked to supply chain conditions, such as temperature, humidity, location, and even if the parcel is dropped, tilted or opened. The data is recorded independently of the transportation method and is sent to an online platform allowing customers to understand where their products are in real-time and also the conditions and stresses each package has been placed under.

This tracking technology provides many applications for high value, time sensitive or products sensitive to theft or grey market. Additionally, with a better understanding of individual supply chain conditions, DS Smith can drive further optimisation of packaging specifications by tailoring them to specific supply chains.

The partnership follows a successful test of ParceLive with one of DS Smith’s global consumer goods customers. In the test, the real-time monitoring of supply chain conditions proved very effective, allowing for subtle changes to further optimise and tailor packaging specifications. DS Smith is now looking to widen the testing program to more customers.

“Our packaging solutions are fundamental in helping our customers to safely deliver their products, across multiple markets and supply chains,” comments Eliot Kirby, Head of Supply Chain Innovation at DS Smith. “Partnering with ParceLive enables us to get real time visibility in how the packaging performs and also helps root cause any events or issues encountered. By knowing exactly what’s happening at every touch point along the supply chain, we can help our customers and their logistics partners deliver results in packaging performance, quality, security and sustainability.”

Azhar Hussain Hanhaa CEO adds, “Our partnership with DS Smith to introduce the ParceLive technology will deliver more performant and sustainable packaging solutions throughout the supply chain – helping to maximise customer satisfaction.”

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